How to solve “Application.exe has stopped working” error on Windows 10 “Application.exe has stopped working” - an error that might show up when using any program on Windows 10. Our team created a list of possible solutions to get rid of this Windows error. However, if you are not dealing with a dangerous Trojan or ransomware, and installation of updates do not help, please follow the other methods presented below. Therefore, cleaning the device might help to fix “Application.exe has stopped working” error on Windows 10. Infiltration of various viruses often makes programs crash and the whole system freeze. However, if these simple solutions do not help to get rid of the issue, it might be related to malware attacks.Ĭhecking the system with anti-malware software helps to find out if the source of the error is not some malicious program residing on the computer. Additionally, you can try installing software updates or updating the OS entirely. Sometimes software crashes for some temporary problems. If you receive this error for the first time, you might just try to reopen the program after the system restarts. Numerous reasons can cause “Application.exe has stopped working” error. Typically, the pop-up warning shows up when a program stops running and needs to shut down by force. So, it seems that the latest version of the OS is most affected by this error. However, recently we received a bunch of questions from Windows 10 users. This issue might occur on any versions of the operating system. “Application.exe has stopped working” is a Windows error that shows up when a particular program crashes. To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.