Leo laporte windows 10
Leo laporte windows 10

leo laporte windows 10

There’s also a 4TB Seagate drive which is used for Apple’s Time Machine backup. Two additional 27" Apple Cinema Displays are connected to the iMac along with considerable external storage including a dual-drive Oyen Digital MiniPro 8TB RAID 0 that backs up to a 5TB Drobo mini 2018 iMac Pro running a 10-core Xeon W with 64 GB of RAM, 1TB SSD, and a Radeon Pro Vega 64.The little aluminum stand on the ottoman is something Dick DeBartolo recommended and I use all the time, it’s the iVoler Adjustable Aluminum Laptop Computer Stand. There’s a comfy armchair and ottoman I’ve had for years, a less comfy chair from the studio, a couple of side tables, and a six-foot standing Duramax rolling workbench that’s currently devoted to my mask making. I have a ~300 sq ft office with several book shelves and a built-in desk in the bay window. I think it gives me a more realistic idea of what owning this gear is like, and this way I’m not beholden to anyone. I generally don’t ask for or use review units or loaners. One small point, I almost always buy all the gear I use. I review more gear than the average bear, but I do keep the stuff that suits me best. I realize that the following is a ridiculously large menagerie of gear. If there’s something you’d like to know and you don’t see it here ask in the comments at the bottom of the page! My hope is to keep this up-to-date because things change regularly. This is a work in progress, but over time should reflect the entirety of my toolset. Just in case you’re curious, here’s a description of the various hardware and software I use to work and play.

Leo laporte windows 10